Gatling Gun Productions

Digital Marketing Services

Our digital marketing team benefits from a winning combination of years of experience and fresh, creative ideas. Whether you need help with website design and development, online marketing, ppc or print marketing, we can help. We take the time to learn about you and your business and to get to grips with what really matters to you and to your customers. Turning this knowledge into successful campaigns, we offer real returns on your investment.

forward thinking & results driven digital marketing

Innovative, digital strategists are at the heart of everything we do.

Working for both print and digital, we understand the importance of excellent creative design with a strong and clear message. It is important for us to measure our success on outcomes for our clients rather than merely on outputs. This means that everything that we do has a clear purpose to it.

a winning combination of years of experience and fresh, creative ideas.

Creative Strategic Solutions for All

Graphic Design for Print

Design for print needs to be perfect. After all, it is permanent.

Creating a tactile, physical entity that appeals to your readers is no mean feat, but we make it look easy.

Website Design

We built our name on web design and pride ourselves on our carefully crafted creations.

With our client’s needs at the forefront of our minds, we use our vast knowledge to create responsive builds which pair beautiful aesthetics with high performing functionality. You bring the project, we add the genius from our design studio.

Digital Marketing / SEO

Trust us – it’s not a fad. It’s what gets your site ranked higher on search engine results, which means more traffic to your website from people actively searching for your products or services.

Social Media Marketing

We can manage your organic and paid social media channels.

Strategically grow your audience, increase engagement and drive ROI for your business across Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin & more!

Hosting & DNS support

No matter how impressive your website is, it still needs to be secure.

Our secure hosting and SSL will give you peace of mind that your website is protected. Your customers can be confident that none of their personal information will end up in the wrong hands.

Email Services

Boost communication across your organization with professional email

Focus internal resources on your core business while we manage your business email and productivity solutions that keep you connected and moving forward.